The universal tray is the "PRODUCT OF THE YEAR 2020"
bekuplast GmbH wishes to thank all readers of the "materialfluss" trade journal

Double award: "PRODUCT OF THE YEAR 2020" from the trade journal "materialfluss" and pro-K award 2020
Having already received the pro-K award 2020, the universal tray has now been nominated by the readers of "materialfluss" trade magazine for the "PRODUCT OF THE YEAR 2020" award in the "Container" category.
The award ceremony took place on 17th June 2020 as part of the “material flow WORLD + CONFERENCE” virtual trade fair. Martin Schrüfer, Editor-in-Chief of "materialfluss", announced the winners of the "Container" category.
On 15th July 2020 the trophy for first place arrived at bekuplast and was handed over to Matthias Determann, Product Developer at bekuplast GmbH, by Jürgen Schultz, Sales Manager at bekuplast GmbH.
Tray for different Euronorm containers
The bekuplast universal tray uses a tilting mechanism to allow goods in four different sizes to be fixed securely in place during transport. This means that containers that cannot ordinarily be transported can be shipped.