Reusable Packaging Europe - Association strengthens reusable solutions
bekuplast has joined the Reusable Packaging Europe association as an ambassador.

Strong alliance for reusable transport packaging and the circular economy
RPE was founded in 2020 by IFCO SYSTEMS and Euro Pool System with the objective to promote the interests of European organizations which are active in the industry of pooling reusable (transport) packaging. Reusable Packaging Europe (RPE) welcomed four new Members and two Ambassadors to the association. Container Centralen, WBG-Pooling, Logifruit and Tosca have joined RPE as Members, while Haidlmair and bekuplast have joined the association as Ambassadors.
Container Centralen, WBG-Pooling, Logifruit and Tosca have joined RPE as Members, while Haidlmair and bekuplast have joined the association as Ambassadors. Together with the founding members, RPE will continue to advocate for a fully circular economy using Packaging-as-a-Service models.
RPE’s Chairman Gerjo Scheringa (CEO of Euro Pool System) commented: “RPE is pleased to welcome Container Centralen, WBG-Pooling, Logifruit, Tosca, Haidlmair and bekuplast to Reusable Packaging Europe. Together with these new Members and Ambassadors we will continue to share the circular advantages of Reusable Packaging with the European and national policy makers. We will jointly support and contribute to the realization of a truly European circular economy.”
Changes in Reusable Packaging Europe’s Board of Directors
Furthermore, Reusable Packaging Europe’s Board of Directors now consists of its Chairman Mr. Gerjo Scheringa (Euro Pool System), Vice-Chairman Mr. Michael Pooley (IFCO SYSTEMS) and Board Members Mr. Eric Frank (Tosca), Mr. Pedro Ballester Fernández (Logifruit) and Mr. Roel de Jong (Container Centralen).
In addition, Mr. Cornelius Antor (IFCO SYSTEMS) has been appointed as Secretary of RPE and Mr. Frank van Sluis (Euro Pool System) took on the role of Vice-Secretary.