Sustainable Christmas campaign 2023: Donations instead of presents
Once again, bekuplast decided to forego Christmas presents and donate to social projects instead. Support was given to "Bread for the World" and a regional school project.
The "Brot für die Welt" project in Kenya supported the construction of a water point. There is an increasing shortage of water in northern Kenya. It is not uncommon to walk 6 kilometres to the nearest water point. Women and girls are traditionally responsible for the daily, very strenuous and time-consuming transport of water. The construction of a water point in the village will make life easier for the women and enable the girls to attend school, which was previously not possible in terms of time.
The donation to the regional school project "Fitte Schule" supports the redesign of the schoolyard at the Gymnasium an der Vechte in Emlichheim. The renovation of the schoolyard will create new exercise opportunities for the pupils.
With the donations to "Brot für die Welt" and the "Fitte Schule" school project, bekuplast wants to help people in need and support educational projects.