Innovative load carrier for the largest distribution centre
bekuplast has developed an innovative load carrier for a Dutch online trader’s new logistics centre.
With 1.7 million regular customers and around 7 million shipments a year, the online trader (in Holland) is one the sector’s largest. The trader’s product range covers around 180,000 articles for almost all areas – fashion, house & garden, electronics, entertainment, sports & leisure as well as beauty & wellness. New standards will be set by the new logistics centre which will open in summer 2015. With around 480,000 container it is the world’s largest fully automatic distribution centre for an online trader. The small parts store is equipped with a high speed shuttle system for which bekuplast developed a special-load carrier with an innovative design. Made from polypropylene, the stable containers used in the small parts store have barcodes. With sub-divisions, they can also be used to store smaller products. By the date when the small parts store opens, bekuplast will produce 450,000 containers.